Left Behind: The Injustice of Unemployment at 60 in Australia.

When we're young, we're told that if we work hard and pay our taxes, we'll have a secure future. But what happens when that future is taken away from us in our golden years? What happens when we're left behind by a system that promised to take care of us?

That's the reality for many Australians who find themselves unemployed at the age of 60 or older. Despite decades of hard work and contributions to society, they're often neglected by the government and left to fend for themselves in a job market that values youth and vitality over experience and wisdom.

As someone who's experienced this injustice firsthand, I want to speak out and share my story. In this blog, I'll explore the challenges of being unemployed at 60 in Australia, the ways in which the government has failed to support the aged, and the impact that this neglect has on our lives.

Join me on this journey as we shed light on an issue that's all too often ignored. Together, we can raise awareness and demand change for the forgotten generation.



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