
Showing posts from March, 2023

The Uselessness of Laws that are Meant to Protect

  As a society, we pride ourselves on the laws we create to protect individuals from various forms of discrimination. Laws that aim to eliminate ageism in the workplace, racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination have been enacted to provide a sense of security to those who are vulnerable. However, the reality is that these laws, although well-intentioned, can be rendered useless due to a variety of factors. One of the main reasons these laws are rendered useless is that proving discrimination can be incredibly difficult. Discrimination can be insidious and take many different forms, often occurring behind closed doors or through implicit bias. This makes it challenging for an individual to prove that they were discriminated against, as often it is their word against that of the employer. Additionally, even if discrimination is proven, the legal system can be slow, and the consequences for the offending party can be negligible. Another reason why laws that protect individuals ca

Australia's Identity Crisis: From Standing Strong to Surrendering to Government Control.

  Australia was "discovered" by Europeans in 1770 when Captain James Cook sailed along the east coast and claimed the land for Britain. However, it is important to note that Australia was already inhabited by Indigenous Australians for thousands of years before European arrival. In 1788, the First Fleet arrived in Sydney Cove with around 1500 people, including convicts, soldiers, and officers. The British government had decided to use Australia as a penal colony due to overcrowding in British prisons and the need for a new colony to expand the British Empire. Around 160,000 convicts were sent to Australia between 1788 and 1868, with the majority being sent in the first few decades of the colony's establishment. Convicts were often sent to Australia for relatively minor crimes, such as theft or vagrancy, and many were sentenced to transportation for life. Life as a convict in early Australia was extremely harsh, with hard labor and strict discipline enforced. Many convicts

Ageing in Australia: The Challenges of Employment and Financial Stability

While the title of this blog is "Ageing in Australia," we've been discussing a range of topics that may not seem immediately related to the experiences of older Australians. However, it's important to recognize that ageing doesn't happen in a vacuum. Our financial, employment, and social circumstances throughout our lives can all have an impact on our wellbeing in later years. As such, it's important to consider these issues in the context of ageing in Australia, and to explore how we can support older Australians in navigating these challenges. As people age in Australia, there are a number of means of accrued income they may have available to them. These can include superannuation, savings, investments, and other assets that have been accumulated over the course of their working lives. For many, superannuation is a key component of their retirement income, with contributions made by both the individual and their employer over the course of their working life

Creating Age-Friendly Communities: How Cities and Towns Can Support Their Elderly Residents

As populations age, cities and towns need to become more age-friendly to support their elderly residents. Aging in place is an important goal for many older adults, but it requires access to essential services, transportation, and social support. Here are some ways cities and towns can become more age-friendly and better support their elderly residents. Increase Access to Transportation Lack of access to transportation is a significant barrier for many older adults. Cities and towns can increase access to transportation by creating senior-friendly public transportation, offering discounted or free fares, and providing transportation for non-emergency medical appointments. Create Walkable and Livable Communities As people age, mobility can become a challenge. Creating walkable and livable communities can help older adults stay active and engaged in their communities. This can be achieved by improving sidewalks, adding benches, and creating community gardens and green spaces. Provide Acc

Downloadable Camel Mandala Colouring Page

  Download and print As mentioned in the previous post on colouring pages, I have included a link to download a camel mandala image. If you have any requests for other types of images, please let me know.

Innovative Solutions for Age-Related Health Issues: Latest Developments in Geriatric Medicine

As the population continues to age, the need for innovative solutions to age-related health issues has become increasingly urgent. Fortunately, the field of geriatric medicine has seen remarkable advancements in recent years, thanks to the development of new health technologies and treatments. One area where health technology is making a significant impact is in elderly care. Robots and robotic assistants are being developed to provide support and assistance to seniors with limited mobility or other health issues. For example, robotic arms can help with daily tasks such as eating, dressing, and bathing, while humanoid robots can provide social interaction and emotional support. Another area where geriatric medicine is advancing rapidly is in the treatment of age-related health conditions. Researchers are developing new drugs and therapies to treat diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and osteoporosis. These treatments aim to improve quality of life and extend healthy life

Navigating Health Care and Aging Services in Australia

As we age, our healthcare needs often become more complex, and navigating the Australian healthcare and aging services system can be daunting. Fortunately, Services Australia provides a comprehensive resource for information about the types of services available to older Australians. Medicare is Australia's publicly-funded healthcare system, and it covers a range of services, including hospital treatment, doctor's appointments, and prescriptions. The Services Australia website provides information about how to enroll in Medicare, how to access Medicare services, and what Medicare covers. In addition to health care services, there are also a range of aged care services available in Australia. These include home care, residential aged care, and respite care. The Services Australia website explains how to access these services, how to determine eligibility, and what to expect from each type of service. For those with disabilities or caring for someone with a disability, Services A

Are Online Personality Assessments Accurate for Job Interviews?

In recent years, online personality assessments have become a popular tool for companies during the hiring process. These assessments are designed to evaluate a candidate's personality traits, work style, and strengths and weaknesses. However, the question remains: are these assessments accurate and fair for all candidates, regardless of age or other factors? On the surface, online personality assessments may seem like an objective tool to evaluate job candidates. However, there are many factors that can influence the accuracy and fairness of these assessments. For example, the questions used in these assessments may not be relevant to certain job roles or industries, or they may be biased towards certain personality types. Additionally, candidates may be inclined to provide answers they think the company wants to hear, rather than their true opinions or behaviours . Another potential issue with online personality assessments is their ability to discriminate against certain groups

The Struggle of Dealing with Centrelink

For many Australians, Centrelink is a lifeline, providing much-needed financial assistance and support during difficult times. However, for those who have had to deal with the agency, it can often feel like a humiliating and degrading experience. The long wait times, confusing processes, and impersonal nature of the agency can leave many wondering if Centrelink truly understands its purpose. In this post, we'll explore some of the challenges of dealing with Centrelink, and why it's important for the agency to approach its work with empathy and understanding. Dealing with Centrelink can be an incredibly frustrating and demoralizing experience. The long wait times, confusing processes, and lack of empathy from some staff members can make it feel like you're begging for assistance, rather than accessing your entitlements as an Australian citizen. It's important to remember that this is not a reflection on you or your worth as a person; it's simply a result of a system

The Surprising Health and Wellbeing Benefits of Adult Colouring Books for Seniors

Adult colouring books have become increasingly popular in recent years as a way to relax and destress. But did you know that colouring books can also provide health and wellbeing benefits for seniors? Studies have shown that engaging in creative activities, such as colouring, can improve mental health and wellbeing. The repetitive and calming nature of colouring can reduce stress and anxiety, promote relaxation, and even lower blood pressure. In addition, colouring can help improve fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, which can be especially beneficial for seniors. Furthermore, colouring books can provide a sense of purpose and accomplishment, which can be particularly important for seniors who may face isolation or feel disconnected from their community. Participating in creative activities can give seniors a sense of control and independence, as well as a way to express themselves and their creativity. To help you experience the benefits of adult colouring books, we're ex

Surviving on Little Income

Living on little to no income can be challenging at any age, but for elderly Australians who may be facing increasing healthcare costs, rent, and utilities bills, it can be particularly daunting. With government assistance often falling short of what is needed, it can be tough to make ends meet. In this post, we'll explore some alternatives that elderly Australians can explore to help them survive financially, along with some tips on how to stay positive and hopeful. For elderly Australians on little to no income, it can feel like the world is against them. With bills piling up and no clear way to make ends meet, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and defeated. However, there are some options available to help alleviate financial stress. One option is to explore community resources such as food banks, charities, and community centers. Many of these organizations offer free or low-cost services and programs, such as meals, social events, and even financial counseling. These resources

Navigating Technology as an Elderly Person: Empathy Over Smugness

  As an elderly person, trying to navigate technology, computers, and smartphones can be a frustrating and intimidating experience. The overwhelming feeling of being left behind in a world that is constantly changing can make it difficult to keep up with the latest gadgets, apps, and software. Additionally, dealing with government offices that demand online forms can seem daunting. In this post, we'll explore some of the challenges faced by elderly people when it comes to technology, and offer some guidance on how to overcome them without encountering smugness. It can be discouraging and frustrating when seeking help with technology, only to be met with smugness and condescension from younger generations who seem to have grown up with technology at their fingertips. The truth is, it's not your fault that you didn't have the same exposure and opportunities as younger generations. You are entitled to learn at your own pace without feeling rushed or belittled. Don't let an

Left Behind: The Injustice of Unemployment at 60 in Australia.

When we're young, we're told that if we work hard and pay our taxes, we'll have a secure future. But what happens when that future is taken away from us in our golden years? What happens when we're left behind by a system that promised to take care of us? That's the reality for many Australians who find themselves unemployed at the age of 60 or older. Despite decades of hard work and contributions to society, they're often neglected by the government and left to fend for themselves in a job market that values youth and vitality over experience and wisdom. As someone who's experienced this injustice firsthand, I want to speak out and share my story. In this blog, I'll explore the challenges of being unemployed at 60 in Australia, the ways in which the government has failed to support the aged, and the impact that this neglect has on our lives. Join me on this journey as we shed light on an issue that's all too often ignored. Together, we can raise awa